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Today we are bringing you the story about SeaCras, an innovative start up founded in 2020, specialized in collection and analysis of satellite data. The services based on satellite data which SeaCras offers find their use in monitoring the quality of coastal and inland waters, aquaculture, tourism and additional segments of the blue economy.

Find out more in the text below!

SeaCras was recently declared among the top 4 projects in the EU Ocean Observation sector

Can you tell us more about your educational background and how it allowed you the starting of SeaCras?

SeaCras was founded in 2020 by dr. sc. Mario Špadina after finishing his doctorate in France. We have two additional scientists in our team: dr. sc. Stipe Lukin and mag. chem. Tomislav Stolar. Through our education we mastered critical thinking and we developed complex problem-solving skills. Honestly, our education has not introduced us to the business world. Our additional engagement helped us there, especially through the programs such as EIT Climate-KIC Pioneers Into Practice (PIP) and WIPO Summer School. Within the PIP program in 2019, Mario spent a month on the University of Valencia in Spain, while Stipe (start up Gelatex) and Tomislav (Tallinn Institute of Technology) spent a month in Tallinn, Estonia. After those experiences, the business idea matured and SeaCras was founded soon.

What intrigued you about the blue economy?

Over 40% of the world's economic activities are related to seas and oceans. Referring to Croatia, it is well known that we are a country heavily relying on the tourism sector. More specifically, tourism makes over 18% of Croatia's GDP. Coastal tourism is very important for us. Based on that, it is obvious, that the sea is our most important resource and we need to invest maximum efforts into its preservation. This is where SeaCras steps in. In collaboration with another Croatian company – Prehnit, SeaCras develops a scalable digital solution with low carbon dioxide emissions, to monitor water quality. The solution is based on AI analysis of satellite data which we get from physical and chemical water quality parameters. These parameters point out to the degree of anthropogenic impact and health state of the water environment. Our clients can use the data for sustainability reporting and to show the impact of their business on the water environment.

SeaCras team on a tech check up in Bruxelles before their project pitch @ BlueInvest Awards 2022 (27.03.2022.)

Who/what was the main enabler of your business?

The main enabler of our business was the motivation to be the leading example of implementing green and digital transition in Croatia, within EU's Green Deal framework. On the other hand, the goal of every business is to make profit. Referring to financial aid in founding a start up, SeaCras was granted funding from the Parsec (European accelerator for commercializing satellite data) and ZICER Startup 2020 accelerators. These programs gave us the necessary funding to start a business.

What would you advise to young people who lack a bit of motivation and consistency to enter the world of entrepreneurship?

Find people who can give you good advice, because this will greatly accelerate your entering in the world of entrepreneurship. Of course, one has to do a lot of research on their own. Secondly, surround yourself with people who will motivate you to give your best. After you passed the ideation step, definitely apply for a domestic or international start-up programs (e.g. ZICER Startup Factory). It is easy to fall prey to our own thoughts, but without external validation you will not get feedback whether the thing you are doing makes sense or not. Lastly, if you never try you will never know if you have the chance to succeed!

Director dr. sc. Mario Špadina presenting the SeaCras project @ BlueInvest Awards 2022 in Bruxelles (28.03.2022.)

What would you say is the main benefit of your service in the marine industry?

Croatia has a very developed marine industry. The main reason for that is clean sea and a beautiful seashore with more than a thousand islands. Satellite data and the service SeaCras offers the near-real time insights to water quality. Data shows that highlighting excellent water quality brings a 5% increase in guest bookings, while the Adriatic Sea is one of the cleanest in the world! Therefore, let's point that out and use the new marketing channel that SeaCras offers. We are glad that our clients National Park Mljet and Brijuni, as well as Nature Park Telašćica recognized our value and are pioneers in adopting innovative technologies for water quality management.


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