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Updated: Jan 9, 2023

In today’s world we should approach change more holistically. An interdisciplinary approach is needed to solve burning issues like global warming and different economic fluctuations. Although our society is the most technologically developed it has ever been, that is not the sole condition for success. Several factors are needed, starting with efficient collaboration and modifying solutions for different scenarios. Changes need to stem from individuals, but also more complex organizational bodies. That is why the UN presented Sustainable Development Goals. The goals were presented in 2015 and will last until 2030. Which are these goals and how they contribute to sustainable development within the boating industry, discover in the text below.


There are 17 sustainable development goals which include: No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender equality, Clean water and sanitation, Affordable and clean energy, Decent work and economic growth, Industry, innovation and infrastructure, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land, Peace, justice and strong institutions and Partnership for the goals.

Source: United Nations

Sustainable development goals want to boost positive changes within society, economy, but the environment too. As mentioned in our previous blog posts, sustainability presents balance between environment, society and economy. The goals can be used as guidelines, so corporates could adjust their business plans and strategies by developing a more sustainable surrounding.


Sustainable development goals are suitable for all industries and every corporate can implement a few goals within their strategy. The boating industry does not differ from that trend and several sustainable development goals can be suitable. One of the goals is goal number 5, whereas employing more women in boating, more diversity would be achieved. Moreover, the development and growth of the industry is contributing to goal number 8, economic growth.

According to the latest trends, which bring circular products to the boating industry, segments of goal 9 are being achieved in terms of innovation. Developing circular solutions, like recyclable boat components the goal 12 of Responsible consumption and production is being considered. Focusing more on sustainable marine tourism, we tap into the segments of goal 14, Life below water. The imperative is goal 17, which motivates us to achieve sustainability through collaboration.


We are actively contributing to goals 5, 8 and 17. We want to boost more youth employment, which would consequently contribute to economic growth of the industry within the Eastern Adriatic region. We are collaborating with stakeholders within the industry to educate, consult and raise awareness about sustainability.

If you want to know how sustainable development goals contribute to employing youth in boating, you can catch our presentation on the love you ocean stage at boot Düsseldorf on the following dates:

Tuesday, 24th January at 3.50 p.m.

Wednesday, 25th January at 10 a.m.

See you!


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